Friday, February 18, 2011

The Time Has come....

Daddy, The doctor told Nana and I that the time has come that you children who live out of state to come and see you. They told us that we are at a cross roads that they continue to everything they can for you medically  but that unless a miracle happens you will not be returning home. I am praying so hard for that miracle. You asked me today and broke my heart in doing so but you asked me If god had a place for you and that you are just so tired. Tired of being in pain. The doctors are trying so hard to get you comfortable but it hasn't worked yet. They have upped your pain meds again. I am just feeling broken. I am not ready for all this. They asked me today what you end of life wishes are. I can't even think about your end of life.

Then there is the getting your kids here. Heather was not problem I called her and she will be here early Saturday morning. She is coming from AL. Timmy on the other hand was much much harder. I had to go through the red cross. 40minutes on the phone. Then another 20 when they called me back to double check what hospital he was in. Then they called the hospital to double check that our father was a end of life patient. Then a hour wait and they got him all set to come up. So it took 2 hour and a lot of people to be able to get Timmy to were he can come up. The Marines(where I love the arm forces and I love that both my brother are in the service in this case I was not to happy  with there process of getting it for someone to come and see there dying father). Try there hardest and I know it is for there safety but I wish I just didn't have to 100people on the phone what was going on just so my brother can come see his Dad.Timmy will be here around noon on Saturday. Charles is here with me already. So now we just wait for Heather and Timmy.

Uncle Randy is coming too. He lives in FL and will be here late tonight into early Saturday morning. Your other Brother lives up here so he saw you today. I can't believe we are at this point.

Poor Nana, My Poor Nana, this will be her 3rd son she  buried. No mother should ever have to buried her kids. This will be my Nana's 3rd son in the last 5yrs. I am still praying and holding out hope that this is NOT it and that you will be around for a long long time Daddy and that this is a bump in the road. A very big bump. I love you more then you will ever know. I love you more then words can say. i love you so much I can't even tell you. You are so strong and so brave. I love you Daddy.

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