Friday, January 28, 2011

One Day at a Time

Daddy- I found this poem today, and it is just how I need to look at things. I need to take things One Day at a Time.I need to just enjoy the time I have with you and not think about all the what if's. It will be so much better for everyone if I just decide to look at it this way. That I have today and that if today is all I have I will make every minute count. I love you so much Daddy and I never thought that I would be such a mess and worry like I do. I know that I have today I know that I can make today the best day and just enjoy being with you. I have to take the time I have with you rather that be a day, a week, a month, a year, or years and make the best out of it. I need to just have a blast with you. I need to laugh with you. Do all the things you love to do. You told me when I was little "make everyday count and never have regrets." You told me "To never live in the past, the past is the past and that you have to focus on the here and now." Dream, Dreams but live for today. I love you Daddy and I am going to make the most out of everyday I have with you.

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